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I Miss Running

Written by Basile Samel

Published Nov 23, 2019. Last edited Nov 23, 2019.

I loved running from middle school until college. Especially training with fractional running, I don’t like jogging. 

I like using running tracks or stadiums early in the morning or racing across the countryside where no one can see me. 

My favorite thing about running is when I’m in a deep state of focus listening to my body and being aware of my breathing.

It’s probably the only sport I’m not terrible at. I love football and rugby but I’m quite clumsy. Running is more straightforward for an introvert like me, it’s all about self-growth and self-knowledge.

I haven’t run in a long time. I have been more into biking over the last two years, and I couldn’t find any suitable place to run in South-East Asia - too crowded or too polluted.

It’s the first thing I’m going to do once I go back to my parents’ house for Christmas. Running in the hills surrounding the Garonne’s plains with a bag full of weights, two hours after breakfast.

I haven’t felt the Runner’s High in a long time. It was two years ago, while I was on a 400 km biking trip. I think it was also the last time I felt so in shape. I have completely abandonned aerobic training to focus on weightlifting, but I miss it.

It’s been so long that I had to buy a new pair of running shoes. The first one in four years if I remember correctly. I can’t wait to try them on.