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Maker Logs - Day 652

Written by Basile Samel

Published Aug 27, 2020. Last edited Aug 27, 2020.

The day started with some work on Cowriters’ new user dashboard:

  1. I fixed the pagination of the articles and drafts.
  2. I added URL routes to directly filter texts by publication status (draft, published, or scheduled)
  3. I fixed the Delete A Text button

I then set up Amazon’s Simple Email Service for the new email address and added a controller route that creates a new post and redirects the writer to the text editor.

In the afternoon, I wrote and sent Sipreads’ latest newsletter featuring the book Everybody Writes by Ann Handley. I then wrote my log and a post about my current housing situation. 

I finished the day by trying to work on Cowriters’ new text editor. Turns out I had to revert the entire codebase back to React because Preact isn’t working with DraftJS (even with preact/compat!!!). I tried a bunch of things to make it work, without success. I ended up rewriting everything to use React and the app compiled fine again.

Total tasks: 9

Mood: Trying to make DraftJS work with Preact and finding out I had to switch back to React was stressful and depressing, but it went smoothly overall and I accomplished a lot so I’d say it was a win.

Improvement Points: Next time I need to lay down all the main modules to be used in the project to check for possible dependency conflicts. Preact was great to reduce the size of my Javascript bundle and increase performance, but I encountered some compatibility bugs along the way. In the end, it only increased my Time to Interact by 400ms (Lighthouse score went down to 99/100) so it isn’t a big deal. I’ll figure out something later.