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What's So Hard About Blogging?

Written by Basile Samel

Published Jan 6, 2022. Last edited Jan 6, 2022.

It’s well known 90% of new startups shut down within a year, but what about blogs? According to studies, there are approximately 500 million blogs on the Internet, 33% being monetized, 10% making over $10k per year, and less than 1% making over $1M annually.

In other terms, 90% of blogs aren’t sustainable businesses. It’s not shocking considering most people blog for fun or for the love of writing, but since Content is King, I wonder - why aren’t there more people making a living from writing?

There is no get-rich-quick scheme, building a business takes time. It’s all about being patient and consistent with your efforts. Consistency is probably the hardest thing about blogging: people don’t write regularly enough. It’s hard to dedicate time to blogging in an age where we are busy making a living, getting together with friends, family, and lovers, or enjoying the products and services thrown at us.

Blogs, books, newsletters… all can be perceived as products, but blogging shouldn’t be purely approached as a business - it’s not something to overthink about, but rather a wordy yet simple answer to a lingering problem, a habit to take on and nurture.

If you are thinking of starting out a blog, you have to be ready to publish something every week for a sustained period of time―2 to 4 years at the very least.

And what’s a better way to publish every week than to publish every day, I wonder. All that matters is to sit down, write a bit every day, and confront your writings to an audience. It looks simple, but it’s not easy. It doesn’t matter how much you write or how big your audience is, you have to walk the way.